Whitehouse Denies Biden Used Drugs Before SOTU, High on Confidence

(RepublicanPress.org) – On May 15, former POTUS Donald Trump and President Joe Biden formally accepted an invitation from CNN to attend a presidential debate on June 27. A few days later, Trump renewed his call for Biden to take a drug test before debating him. He accused the president of using drugs before his latest State of the Union (SOTU) address to enhance his performance before a joint session of Congress. The White House recently denied the veracity of that allegation.

On May 20, POLITICO reported in its daily newsletter that White House Deputy Press Secretary and Special Assistant to the President Andrew Bates “sent over [a] response” to the allegations that Biden had used illegal drugs before delivering his SOTU speech. The official said Republican officials could not stop proclaiming “how intimidated they remain” over Biden’s March address.

Bates claimed Republican lawmakers had lost “every public and private negotiation” with Biden and “failed across the board” on issues like paving the way for American companies to outcompete China, reducing violent crime, and “actually rebuilding America’s infrastructure.” He said that, given those Republican failures, “it tracks that those same [GOP] officials [would] mistake confidence for a drug.”

Over the years, Trump has adopted patterns while campaigning. In 2016, he called for drug tests for him and his Democratic rival, Hillary Clinton, before their third and final presidential debate. He told attendees of a campaign event that he didn’t know what was happening with her.

Trump said “she was all pumped up” at the beginning of their last debate. However, by the event’s conclusion, he said, “It was like ‘oh, take me down,'” adding that Clinton “could barely reach her car.”

Trump made similar claims about Biden at a Minnesota campaign rally on May 17. He accused Biden of being “high as a kite” during his SOTU address. He claimed that by the end of his speech, the president “was exhausted, right?”

“No,” Trump responded, “we are going to demand a drug test.”

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