White House Disagrees With Pelosi on Protest Against China

White House Disagrees With Pelosi on Protest Against China

(RepublicanPress.org) – House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) recently turned more than a few heads when she said American Olympic athletes should avoid making any disparaging remarks regarding China during the ongoing Winter Olympic Games. But, in a surprise move, the White House disagreed with the speaker’s recommendation.

On February 7, questions about Pelosi’s warning to athletes not to speak out against China’s human rights abuses at the Olympics arose during White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki’s daily press briefing. A reporter asked her if the White House agreed with Pelosi’s remarks.

Psaki responded that President Joe Biden believes “all athletes have the right to freely express themselves” regardless of whether they’re at the Beijing Olympic games or elsewhere. She added that the choice to speak out lies with all athletes as individuals.

Psaki appeared to dismiss Pelosi’s call for caution regarding America’s exercising their rights to free speech during the Olympic games. The press secretary stated, “[t]he world will be watching,” and it’s up to Chinese officials to provide necessary security precautions to ensure athletes remain in a “safe environment.”

The press secretary concluded her remarks on the subject by restating the administration’s support for athletes’ “right to peaceful protest.”

Do you think Pelosi is correct? Should athletes take a guarded approach to speaking out against China’s horrendous human rights abuse record during the Olympic games?

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