Trump’s Jailtime Speculation Continues After Guilty Verdict

( – On May 30, defendant Donald Trump was found guilty of all 34 felony counts of falsifying business records by a jury of his peers in a Manhattan courtroom. The event marked the first time a former president has ever been convicted of a crime in the United States. On July 11, Trump faces sentencing in front of Judge Juan Merchan.

Each of the 34 counts carries the possibility of up to four years in prison and a $5,000 fine, meaning the maximum Trump faces is 136 years behind bars—and a $170,000 penalty. That said, New York caps that type of sentencing for Class E felonies, so the most he could serve would be 20 years—a likely life sentence for a man of his age.

However, most experts don’t believe he, a first-time convicted offender, will spend that kind of time in jail. In fact, they say there’s no chance of Merchan sentencing him to the maximum. Instead, many lawyers believe he will have to pay a hefty monetary fine for breaking the law.

Some attorneys who practice in New York and other legal experts told USA Today that the former US leader will probably get probation as well. Still, some believe there could be prison time ahead for Trump, as other first-time offenders who committed the same crime have done time — up to six months.

The defendant’s own conduct during the trial could also come into play. Trump violated his gag order multiple times, verbally attacked the judge, and reportedly put the jurist’s daughter’s safety at risk — among other antics inside the courtroom. Still, Trump’s crimes are non-violent, so that will also play a role in the decision-making process.

The prosecution will make a recommendation to the judge for sentencing, as will the defense. Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg hasn’t given any clues to the public as to what he will say, stating he will speak through filings in court.

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