Russian Oil Company Offers Reward for Destruction of F-16

Russian Oil Company Offers Reward for Destruction of F-16

( – During the recent NATO Summit in Washington, DC, several countries, including the US, Denmark, and the Netherlands, announced their plans to send American-made F-16s to Ukraine. The fighter jets are expected to be “flying in the skies of Ukraine this summer.” Russia was reportedly unhappy about the move.

On July 16, the Russian Ministry of Defense announced its own plan on Telegram. According to Newsweek, it stated that Russian companies were offering incentives to take down the F-16 Fighting Falcon jets. For instance, Russian oil company FORES’s director, Ilya Potanin, said “the first will be 15 million rubles.” Based on current exchange rates, that amount equates to about $170,250. Potanin said the reward will be for the “destruction” of both “F-15 and F-16 combat aircraft.” In addition to the US, Denmark, and the Netherlands, Greece, Norway, and Belgium planned to send fighter jets to aid Ukraine in its defense.

Russian journalist Alexander Kots applauded the program, stating troops in his country should “receive at least some benefit” from the countries’ “generosity” in supplying Ukraine’s Armed Forces with such equipment. He said the jets should be viewed as “fat, tasty prey.”

This isn’t the first time Russian troops were offered rewards for destroying military equipment supplied to Ukraine. In June 2023, the Russian Defense Ministry announced it planned to make bonus payments to service members who destroyed German-made Leopard tanks and armored vehicles supplied by the United States. Through the end of May, the ministry said over 10,000 servicemen were given rewards for destroying more than 16,000 pieces of equipment — 50,000 rubles for an armored vehicle and 100,000 rubles for a tank. Using current exchange rates, that equals about $568 and $1,135, respectively. Planes and helicopters reportedly fetched a higher price — 300,000 rubles or about $3,400.

The addition of F-16s to Ukraine’s fighting force should be a great help to the country in its fight against Russia. The benefits include the ability to gain more leverage in the war, hold more Russian targets, and increase Ukraine’s strength in the long term.

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