Newsom’s Tone Deaf Response to $50BN Deficit — Instead Attacks Republicans

( – California Governor Gavin Newsom (D) recently delivered his annual State of the State Address. He decided to film the speech and post it on his social media sites instead of appearing before a joint session of the state’s lawmakers. Conspicuously absent from his remarks was any mention of the Golden State’s recent and future deficits.

California suffered a $27.6 billion budget shortage during fiscal year 2023-2024. Likewise, recent projections showed the state would experience a $28.4 billion deficit for FY 2025-2026. Newsom carried over the current debt, claimed he resolved it along with the anticipated future shortage and turned in a balanced budget.

However, Newsom didn’t delve into any of that while recapping the past year’s events during his address. Instead, he spent a considerable amount of time lashing out at red states and conservative media. For instance, he criticized Republican governors and lawmakers for their promotion of a “distorted prism of political pandering” that cuts healthcare benefits and instructs women that they aren’t “in charge” of their own bodies.

Newsom accused conservatives of instituting “draconian policies” regarding women’s reproductive rights and promoting lies “designed to control” them. He said that in some instances, red states were forcing assault victims to “give birth to their rapist’s babies.”

The governor trashed conservative states for failing to address gun violence even though the latest statistics show crime is waning nationwide.

Likewise, Newsom criticized the “wall-to-wall media coverage about lawless blue cities and blue states.” According to him, California lawmakers “take public safety seriously” and consider it a problem in need of a solution instead of something to “flog” viewers with on “cable news.”

The California governor aired a litany of other grievances against red states. He trashed their approach to the massive influx of immigrants and conservatives’ alleged efforts to “roll back social progress… racial justice… and basic fundamental fairness.”

In short, Newsom’s address sounded more like a campaign speech than one informing California residents and lawmakers of the current “state of the state.”

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