Nancy Pelosi Reveals She’s Been Served a Subpoena

Nancy Pelosi Reveals She's Been Served a Subpoena

( – Up until recently, former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) served as the leader of the Lower Chamber. While no longer in the limelight, the California Democrat still serves her state, her constituents, and the country as a House representative with decades of experience under her political belt. In 2022, her husband, Paul Pelosi, was brutally attacked, and the suspected perpetrator’s trial will soon begin. Recently, the lawmaker revealed that she received a subpoena that might be related to the upcoming event.

On November 1, the Washington Times announced that Representative Pelosi informed the House she had recently served a subpoena. In her statement, the lawmaker said she wanted to tell the Lower Chamber that she was served “third-party subpoenas” from both sides of a case in the US District Court for the Northern District of California. Pelosi’s statement also reportedly mentioned that the prosecution and defense specifically asked her to “produce documents” for a “criminal case.” She assured the House she would not divulge any “privileged information.”

While the seasoned politician did not mention the specifics of the case, Fox News reported that sources familiar with the matter said the subpoenas were indeed related to the upcoming trial regarding her husband’s alleged attacker — David DePape.

DePape has been hit with several charges, including assault and attempted murder. Apparently, the suspect was looking for the former House speaker when he happened upon her husband at home — she was in Washington, DC, working at the time. The suspect reportedly attacked Mr. Pelosi with a hammer, landing him in the hospital with severe injuries. DePape pleaded not guilty in June 2022 to the charges against him.

A recent court filing revealed the possible motive for the attack — the legislator’s supposed “lies” to the American public and other political reasons. It’s unclear what kind of documentation the legislator could provide in this case. DePape’s trial is scheduled to start on November 13.

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