Migrants Issues List Of Demands Before They Will Leave City Encampment

(RepublicanPress.org) – Throughout the United States, there are sanctuary cities, counties, and states that support migrants, going so far as to shield them from immigration authorities. As such, those areas provide resources for the demographic. Denver, Colorado, is one such area and is running into problems with a migrant tent encampment in the city.

On May 8, the migrants within the camp made a list of demands they wanted met in order to agree to leave the encampment and enter a Denver shelter. The list included better food with the ability to cook it themselves, medical care, unlimited shower access, a process outlined before removing someone from the shelter, keeping families together, help with employment, and a free immigration lawyer consultation.

The migrants also want the alleged abuse at shelters to stop, transportation for their kids to schools, a meeting with the mayor, and privacy for those in the shelter.

Jon Ewing from Denver Human Services said the organization has been working with the encampment dwellers to improve conditions at the local shelters. For one, he said migrants would receive “three square meals a day” with the ability to cook. Ewing said the city doesn’t want to see families on the streets of Denver, so they are working to move them by providing transportation.

Denver Communications Liaison Andres Carrera recently suggested the migrants move to other sanctuary cities with more resources like New York or Chicago. Denver Mayor Mike Johnston said his city has already spent over $100 million to help asylum seekers, and the figure could balloon to as much as $180 million.

Carrera said Denver is simply running out of resources and migrants will “suffer” if they stay in the city, adding he didn’t “want to see” that happen.

It’s unclear how many — if any — migrant demands Denver plans to meet or what the best path forward for them will be.

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