(RepublicanPress.org) – Although media tracking groups typically categorize The Washington Post (WaPo) as a liberal-leaning news organization, the longstanding newspaper routinely published opinion pieces penned by conservative and right-leaning journalists. The top-tier media company recently published an op-ed presenting a radical proposal for the Biden campaign to consider.
On June 14, Pulitzer Prize-winning columnist Kathleen Parker published an opinion piece on WaPo discussing a potential “solution for a vexing problem: President [Joe] Biden’s age.” The center-right/conservative liberal journalist wrote that “Americans, including Democrats,” have raised concerns about the president’s advancing age and the possibility he might not complete another term in office.
Parker presented a rather unique, if not somewhat confusing, solution. She suggested the 81-year-old president replace Vice President Kamala Harris with former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.
The WaPo columnist attempted to explain away the logic of replacing the 59-year-old vice president with Clinton, who only lags two years behind Biden at 76. Parker says the problem with Biden “isn’t his numerical age.” Instead, it’s his “steady decline the past few years.” She also claimed Harris’ abysmal approval figures and lackluster time in office far outweighed any benefit she brings to the campaign — notwithstanding her age
On the flip side, Parker explained that Clinton’s 2016 loss led to the country’s current “old-White-men dilemma.” She also theorized that Hillary’s support for Israel and respected tenure as secretary of state could provide an advantage to Biden’s chance of securing a second term.
Parker concluded her article by noting that at 76, Clinton might not want to replace Harris. However, if she did, Parker claimed even people who didn’t vote for Clinton eight years ago “would have confidence in her ability to keep the [nation] on track.”
Curiously, Parker’s op-ed isn’t the first time she’s suggested replacing a vice presidential running mate. In 2008, she penned an article for the National Review suggesting that then-Republican nominee Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) replace Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin because she was “clearly out of her league,” particularly when it came to having the requisite basic understanding of economic. Parker also accused her of repeating words and “filling space with deadwood.”
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