Letitia James On A Massive Arrest Spree

(RepublicanPress.org) – New York Attorney General Letitia James made national headlines when she brought a massive civil fraud case against former President Donald Trump, the Trump Organization, and others. She won that case against the defendants in February, resulting in a liable verdict against Trump and a fine of more than $450 million. Now, she’s launching another huge case.

On June 5, James announced indictments and arrests for 17 individuals for alleged lucrative loansharking and illegal gambling operations. The New York AG said the criminal acts happened on Staten Island and were controlled by the Gambino organized crime family.

The 84-count indictment charged the individuals for their alleged role in handling over $22.7 million in illegal bets and a loansharking operation that brought in about $500,000 per week. Four of the 17 people charged are facing additional indictments for allegedly perpetrating an illegal mortgage fraud scheme used to buy a home in New Jersey for $600,000.

Those arrested and charged included individuals described as Gambino soldiers and associates, including John LaForte, Anthony Cinque, Edward LaForte, John Matera, Frederick Falcone, Daniel Bogan, and Giulio Pomponio. Charles Fusco was also indicted and arrested. He is reportedly known for his association with the Colombo crime family. Charles Fusco, Robert Carter, Arthur Geller, Daniel Scarabaggio, Daniel Shah, Vincent Ricciardi, James Miranda, and Amy McLaughlin were indicted as well. John LaForte and Tracy Alfano were two of the four individuals who caught the additional charge for the alleged mortgage scheme.

When announcing the unsealed indictments, James said the charges against the defendants are “some of the oldest rackets in the mob’s playbook.” While she admitted that organized crime is still an issue in New York, she said the indictments were “putting several Gambino family members out of business.” The NY AG then thanked law enforcement for assisting in the investigation as she continues to try and “keep New Yorkers safe.”

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