Kamala’s Abysmal Presidential Polling Results Only 37% Approve

(RepublicanPress.org) – The current presidential polling results are all over the map, less than a week after Joe Biden announced his decision to withdraw from the race. General election surveys that reflect at least one day’s worth of data since Biden show Donald Trump leading presumptive Democratic nominee Kamala Harris by two points (Echelon Insights and Morning Consult) to as high as eight (Harris X). One survey shows the vice president with a four-point lead (Ipsos), and another has both candidates even (Marist).

Noted statistician and FiveThirtyEight founder Nate Silver has turned off his election model until sometime during the week beginning July 28 to ensure new surveys reflect what he calls the “new normal” in the race between Trump and Harris. He also indicated it would take time to ensure his revised polls work correctly.

However, some interesting polls are circulating. One shows Harris receiving an abysmal approval rating of only 37%.

Harris Holds Nominal Polling Edge Over Other Possible Biden Replacements

YouGov conducted a snap poll a few hours after Biden’s historic July 21 announcement. A paltry 37% of survey participants indicated they supported Harris as the Democrat’s new presidential candidate over someone else. Thirty-five percent said they preferred someone else, and 27 percent weren’t sure.

Breaking those figures down, 60% of Democrats supported Harris as the party’s nominee, Twenty-one percent preferred someone else, and 19% weren’t sure. Republicans supported someone else over Harris nearly two-to-one (50% to 24%), and 26% weren’t sure. Independents were pretty evenly split, with 30% supporting Harris, 36% supporting someone else, and 34% undecided.

Curiously, the survey results were nearly the same along gender lines, with 38% of the men supporting Harris and 37% of the females. Thirty-seven percent of the men preferred someone else, and 34% agreed. Men indicating they weren’t sure came to 24%, and 30% of women had the same preference.

Other Noteworthy Results

YouGov asked several other questions regarding the current state of the presidential race. For instance, 71% of survey participants indicated they strongly or somewhat approved of Biden’s decision to withdraw from the race. That figure included 70% of Democrats, 77% of Republicans, and 68% of Independents.

Forty-four percent of participants aged 18 to 29 supported Biden’s withdrawal. Forty-four percent of 30 to 44-year-olds, 53% of the bracket including 45 to 64-year-olds, and 54% of individuals 65 and older also indicated their approval.

Asked about Biden’s immediate future, a vast majority of survey participants supported him completing his term, including 81% of Democrats, 37% of Republicans, and 49% of Independent voters. Overall, 56% said they supported the president staying in office, 30% said they thought he should resign, and 14% said they weren’t sure.

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