Democrats Urged To Release Contingency Plan After Debate Debacle

( – President Joe Biden’s poor showing at the first presidential debate triggered alarm bells within the Democratic Party and among liberal political operatives. The president attempted to calm the ensuing panic the following night by owning his lackluster performance and admitting that he may not “walk as easily […] talk as smoothly […] or debate as well as he used to.” That explanation failed to assuage the concerns of a former top aide for Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT).

On June 30, Jeffrey Weaver sat down for an interview with NewsNation’s “The Hill Sunday” program to discuss the first presidential debate. Weaver served as Sanders’ campaign manager in 2016 and as a top advisor for his short-lived 2020 bid for the Democratic nomination.

Weaver told program host Chris Stirewalt the Democratic National Committee (DNC) needed to clarify its backup plan should Biden decide to withdraw from the presidential race. The former Sanders strategist said the Democrats need a “process in place” should Biden drop out so the party doesn’t descend into “chaos and pandemonium.”

Weaver discussed his take on a viable contingency plan. He suggested that the DNC announce that the committee would schedule a couple of debates in July among leading contenders should Biden drop his bid for a second term. Weaver explained that the DNC could set a threshold for prospective candidates to ensure only “serious” prospects participate.

Then, those candidates could make a case for their nomination at the Democratic National Convention in late August. The last time Democrats had a “brokered” or “contested” convention was 1952 when no candidate secured a majority of the delegates on the first ballot.

Sen. Estes Kefauver of Tennessee had a plurality of the delegates at the start of the convention. However, Illinois Gov. Adlai Stevenson eventually secured the party’s nomination.

So far, Biden hasn’t indicated his intention to drop out of the race. Media outlets reported over the weekend that the president’s family members encouraged him to continue his bid for another term in office.

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