Democrats Block Bill Targeting Migrant Pedophiles for Deportation

( – California Democrats control the state’s Senate (32 to 18), Assembly (62 to 18), and the attorney general and governor’s offices. That gives them control when it comes to passing bills.

Nevertheless, Assembly Republicans introduced a measure (AB-2641 Law enforcement: cooperation with immigration authorities) amending state law to end protections for pedophiles under the California Values Act of 2017 (SB-54). The 2017 measure barred cooperation between state and local officials, making California a sanctuary state.

Democrats block the bill’s passage using a procedural mechanism.

California Democrats Block Republican Bill Targeting Migrant Pedophiles

On May 21, AB-2641‘s sponsor, California Assemblyman Bill Essayli (R-District 63), posted a notice on his X/Twitter account announcing his intention to force a vote on his measure. He noted that the bill would “roll back sanctuary state protections for illegal immigrants convicted of committing sex crimes against minors.”

True to his word, Essayli attempted to open debate on AB-2641 once the Assembly went into session. However, someone cut his microphone as he addressed fellow lawmakers, and a subsequent motion to suspend the rules to allow a full Assembly vote on the bill failed 14 to 36.

Essayli posted a photograph of the official tally shortly afterward. The document confirmed that all 36 Democrats voting on the measure opposed it. Inversely, 14 Republicans voted “aye.” Thirty-six Assembly members, including 26 Democrats and four Republicans, didn’t vote to suspend the rules.

Assembly Republican Leader James Gallagher (R-District 3) posted a statement on his X account responding to Essayli’s failed attempt to get the bill passed. He lashed out at Democrats for refusing “to even allow a vote […] on a bill to bring justice to [individuals] committing sex crimes against children.”

Gallagher noted that California’s “Sanctuary state policy” currently protects “these criminals.” He also bashed “supermajority Democrats” for their decision to “continue to be out of touch.”

 Proposed Measure Would Amend Current California Law

AB-2641 would add Section 7282.7 to the California Code had the measure passed. The amendment would require law enforcement officials to “cooperate with immigration authorities regarding any individual convicted of any crime related to the sexual exploitation or abuse of a minor or other criminal acts against underaged individuals as detailed in existing state statute.

Essayli noted in the bill’s summary that “Under existing law,” California law enforcement officials can only “provide information regarding a person’s release day or transfer an individual to immigration authorities” without first obtaining a judicial probable cause determination or warrant if the individual has a prior conviction for “specified crimes” including “sexual abuse […] exploitation, or crimes endangering children.”

Essayli’s bill does add non-discretionary language to that prior protection by stating that “law enforcement officials shall […] cooperate with immigration authorities” when providing information regarding release dates and the transfer of individuals with previous offenses involving pedophilia.

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