Black Panthers Founding Member Endorses Trump

( – On June 3, TikToker Carol Mitchell appeared on camera with one of the Black Panthers’ founding members, David Hilliard to talk about former President Donald Trump. The 82-year-old sang the former US leader’s praises, stating he wanted to see Trump in charge again and claiming he was an ally to the Black community. However, Mitchell reportedly took her post down when Hilliard’s grandson threatened legal action.

In the video, Hilliard said he knew the former president in the 1960s, calling him a “decent man” who “supported the Black Panther Party.” The former revolutionary said Trump was “not a racist,” a claim many have laid on the ex-president’s shoulders. Hilliard’s grandson Eric Jones quickly responded to the video, stating that his grandfather has ongoing “cognitive issues” and demanded Mitchell remove her video.

Jones indicated in his own video that the TikToker “misrepresented” his grandfather’s “view on Donald Trump and [his] 34 guilty verdict count.” According to the grandson, Mr. Hilliard can only remember parts of the past, specifically when Trump was a realtor. He said the former Black Panthers chief of staff doesn’t even know that Trump is now in politics. Jones said he will not allow “these people” to make it out like his grandpa supports MAGA, adding, “Not on my watch.”

Hilliard’s grandson said the words spoken in Mitchell’s TikTok were merely his grandfather “speaking in terms of the past” and do not give a “nod of support to any of today’s political climate” — Trump or otherwise.

While Mitchell’s video was gone the next day, it was too late. Posts and retweets of the video with claims that the former Black Panther’s founding member endorses Trump continue to make the rounds on the internet. Mitchell has not made a formal statement about her TikTok or the reason for its removal.

Both Trump and President Joe Biden are trying to increase support in the Black community. Currently, the support for Biden in that demographic far outweighs that of the former president.

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