Andy Beshear Reelected in Kentucky

Andy Beshear Reelected in Kentucky

( – November 7 was election day for many places across the country, with some big races on the line. Kentucky was one of those places. Two people were running for governor — incumbent Governor Andy Beshear (D) and his competition, Republican gubernatorial candidate Daniel Cameron. While the Blue Grass state is a historically Red area, the people of Kentucky chose to stay Blue.

At about 9 p.m. on election night, Beshear was declared the winner in the race for Kentucky governor — securing his second term leading the state. According to the Associated Press, other Democrats could use the victor’s political run as a blueprint heading into 2024 in their own races. Beshear clearly brought both sides together to win re-election. In fact, the governor has been known for his push for bipartisanship, although he’s also been criticized for his vetoes of GOP legislation during his tenure.

AP News reported that after his win, the governor said Kentuckians didn’t choose to go right or left, they chose to “move forward for every single family.” The democrat said winning his position in a conservative state sends a message to others that candidates should not run their campaigns with a focus against their opponent. Instead, they should “run for something” and show a picture of a brighter future — “not sow division.”

Cameron would have been the state’s first Black governor. He ran in favor of a complete abortion ban in Kentucky with no exceptions and received former President Donald Trump’s endorsement. He was highly criticized by some for his handling of the Breonna Taylor case in 2020. During his concession speech, he congratulated Beshear on his win and said they both want the same thing for Kentucky — “a better commonwealth…for future generations.”

Fox News reported that Beshear’s win could spell trouble for tight Republican races heading into 2024.

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