Alex Jones Has Meltdown as InfoWars Faces Cancellation

( – In 2022, far-right radio host Alex Jones filed for bankruptcy shortly after juries in Connecticut and Texas awarded nearly $1.5 billion in damages to Sandy Hook first responder and victims’ families after separate defamation trials. He recently had a meltdown over the looming probability his company could face imminent cancellation as part of his legal proceedings.

Jones aired “emergency broadcasts” on Saturday and Sunday, June 1 and 2, claiming the federal government was about to shut down his company Free Speech Systems, the parent company of his syndicated online program and InfoWars and PrisonPlanet websites.

The controversial radio host appeared to cry at several points during the broadcasts. He also launched into profanity-filled rants and called on his supporters to form a human shield around his Austin, Texas, studio to protect it from the federal government and Patrick Magill, the chief restructuring officer overseeing Free Speech Systems at the direction of the judge overseeing his bankruptcy case.

Jones displayed defiance during his Saturday program. He told his followers that he would ultimately “beat these people.” It said, “It’s been a hard fight,” adding, “These people hate our children.”

On Sunday, Jones appeared to embrace a defeatist attitude. At one point, he proclaimed, “There is really no avenue” out of his current predicament, and he was stuck “in the bunker here,” waiting for the eventual showdown. He also said “the enemy” didn’t have any choice. They had to mount their “attack.” Toward the end of his broadcast, he appeared to perk up a bit, stating, “Don’t worry, I’ll come back.”

On that same day, lawyers representing the Connecticut Sandy Hook families filed an emergency motion asking the court to convert Jones’ Chapter 11 restructuring case to one under the bankruptcy code’s Chapter 7. If US Bankruptcy Judge Christopher Lopez agrees, officials can begin liquidating his assets.

The pleading explained that Free Speech Systems had “no prospect of a confirmable plan of reorganization” under Chapter 11 and “failed to demonstrate any hope” of paying them the penalty awarded by the Connecticut judge.

Lopez declined to rule on the motion. Instead, he deferred the matter until June 14, the next scheduled hearing in the bankruptcy case.

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