Texas attorney charged with selling, buying unborn children

Texas attorney charged with selling, buying unborn children

In a shocking twist that reads like a plot from a dystopian novel, a Texas adoption attorney has been caught allegedly treating unborn babies like commodities. This isn’t just another crime story – it’s a stark reminder of how far we’ve strayed from traditional family values and the sanctity of life. Buckle up, because this tale of greed and exploitation will make you question the very foundations of our adoption system.

The Arrest and Allegations

Jody Hall, the founder of Adoptions International Inc., has been arrested for allegedly paying pregnant inmates to put their babies up for adoption. This jaw-dropping case came to light following an investigation by the Tarrant County Sheriff’s Office, which began in May regarding unethical adoption practices.

Hall was booked in Central Texas and posted a $50,000 bond. The charges are severe, as selling or purchasing a child is a felony in Texas. While it’s unclear if any inmates actually received money or put their babies up for adoption, the mere attempt is enough to raise serious ethical concerns.

A History of Questionable Practices

This isn’t the first time Hall’s organization has come under scrutiny. Adoptions International’s accreditation was canceled by the U.S. State Department in 2019, suggesting a pattern of questionable practices.

“During this investigation, information was discovered that Jody Hall was paying money to multiple, pregnant Tarrant County inmates for the purpose of placing their unborn children up for adoption with Hall’s agency” – Tarrant County Sheriff’s Office

The cancellation of accreditation is a serious matter in the adoption world, often indicating significant violations of ethical standards or legal requirements. This prior action adds weight to the current allegations against Hall.

Implications for the Adoption Landscape

This case raises profound questions about the integrity of the adoption process and the potential for exploitation of vulnerable individuals. Pregnant inmates, already in a difficult situation, may be particularly susceptible to financial incentives that could cloud their judgment about such a life-altering decision.

Moreover, the commodification of unborn children strikes at the heart of what adoption should be about – providing loving homes for children in need, not treating them as products to be bought and sold. This case serves as a stark reminder of the need for stringent oversight and ethical practices in the adoption industry.

As this story unfolds, it’s crucial for lawmakers and adoption professionals to reassess current safeguards and ensure that the rights and well-being of birth mothers, adoptive parents, and most importantly, the children, are protected. The integrity of the adoption process must be preserved to maintain public trust and ensure that adoptions continue to serve their intended purpose of creating families and providing homes for children in need.


  1. Texas adoption attorney charged with attempting to sell, purchase unborn children
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  1. Texas adoption attorney charged with attempting to sell, purchase unborn children